XP AntiSpyware 2010 also known as XP AntiSpyware, XP Antivirus Pro and XP Antivirus Pro 2010 are names of one program, which is a rogue antispyware application. It is promoted and installed with the help of trojans. When the trojan is started, it will download and install XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) onto your computer.
During installation, XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) will configure itself to run automatically every time when you run any program that have “exe” extension (99% of Windows applications). The rogue also uses this method of running to block the ability to run any programs, including antivirus and antispyware applications.
When XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) is started, it will perform a system scan and detect a large amount of infections. All of these infections are fake, so you can safely ignore them. What is more, while the rogue is running, it will display various fake security warning and notifications from Windows task bar that have “Spyware infection has been found” or “Tracking software found” header. However, all of these alerts are fake and like false scan results should be ignored.
Last but not least, XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) will hijack Internet Explorer and Firefox and display fake warnings when you opening a web site.
As you can see, XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) is created with one purpose to scare you into thinking that your computer in danger as method to trick you into purchasing the full version of the program. If your computer is infected with this malware, then most importantly, do not purchase it! Remove the rogue from your computer as soon as possible. Use the removal guidelines below to remove XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) from your PC for free.
Use the following instructions to remove XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) (Uninstall instructions)
Step 1. Repair “running of .exe files”.
Click Start, Run. Type command and press Enter. Command console “black window” opens. Type notepad as shown below

Command console
Press Enter. Notepad opens. Copy all the text below into Notepad.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"%1\" %*"
"Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
You will see window similar to the one below.

Save this as fix.reg to your Desktop (remember to select Save as file type: All files in Notepad.) Double Click fix.reg and click YES for confirm.
Reboot your computer.
Step 2. Remove XP AntiSpyware 2010, XP Antivirus Pro 2010 associated malware.
Download MalwareBytes Anti-malware (MBAM). Close all programs and Windows on your computer.
Double Click mbam-setup.exe to install the application. When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware, then click Finish.
If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.
Once the program has loaded you will see window similar to the one below.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Window
Select Perform Quick Scan, then click Scan, it will start scanning your computer for XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) infection. This procedure can take some time, so please be patient.
When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results. You will see a list of infected items similar as shown below. Note: list of infected items may be different than what is shown in the image below.

Malwarebytes Anti-malware, list of infected items
Make sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected for start XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) removal process. When disinfection is completed, a log will open in Notepad and you may be prompted to Restart.
Note 1: if you can not download, install, run or update Malwarebytes Anti-malware, then follow the steps: Malwarebytes won`t install, run or update – How to fix it.
Note 2: if you need help with the instructions, then post your questions in our Spyware Removal forum.
Note 3: your current antispyware and antivirus software let the infection through ? Then you may want to consider purchasing the FULL version of MalwareBytes Anti-malware to protect your computer in the future.
XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) creates the following files and folders
XP AntiSpyware 2010 (XP Antivirus Pro 2010) creates the following registry keys and values
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command | @ = “”%AppData%\av.exe” /START “%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe\shell\open\command | IsolatedCommand = “”%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe | @ = “secfile”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\.exe | Content Type = “application/x-msdownload”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\secfile\shell\open\command | @ = “”%AppData%\av.exe” /START “%1″ %*”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\secfile\shell\open\command | IsolatedCommand = “”%1″ %*”
Hi, I’ve used your website before to remove XP Guardian and worked like charm. However, I’m having some diffculting with this one…I did all of Step 1 sucessfully, downloaded MalwareBytes but now I can’t open the file, no matter how many times I click or left-click. Help!
Did everything but didn’t download the malware scanner just used my avg. Gone anyway. as soon as i used the notepad trick everything was fine cheers guys. Hate rouge viruses this was a very crafty one.
Dan M, looks like the first step is not fully installed, you need repeat it. Try method 1 or 2.
Nur, if all programs are work except Malwarebytes, then probably you computer is infected with TDSS trojan. Try the steps or ask for help in our Spyware removal forum.
I keep getting Antispyware XP Alerts such as System Integrity Threats, Malware Intrusion, Trojan Virus Detected, Your Computer is at Risk, Stealth Intrusion. It blocks me trying to use Firefox until I click ‘continue unprotected’. Also runs a system scan and reports 27 infections. I’m not stupid and know this is an attempt to get me to purchase and register Antispyware XP. I’ve downloaded Malwarebytes however, when I try to run it…nothing happens. Same with my AVG program. Any help would be appreciated. (I tried the removal steps but not sure what command I am supposed to type…please specify.)
Patty, you need type “command” w/o quotes.
Thank you so very much, Patrik. After I renamed the file and changed the extension to .bat, I was able to run Malwarebytes. It’s gone now and everything seems to be back to normal.
Hi Patrick! I was able to get rid of the anti-virus 2010, and my computer was working fine for a while but now malwarebytes won’t open up. Every time I try to open in (regardless of where I try to open it) a missing shorcut box opens and says that it cannot find mbam.exe. So then I try browsing for it and I find it but it still will not open up!! What do I do???
Oh and also whenever I get on the internet to look for this website on google, random websites pop up that have nothing to do with this website, and the computer runs slower.
Thank you so much! It is always a good thing to try the internet for solutions when in times of trouble. I hope that in my future troubles I will be able to find solutions in this site. Again thank you very much indeed! 🙂
Kelly, i have answered you here.
I tried the above but got the following message when trying to lunch the Malware program:
“This file does not have a program assosciated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder options control panel.”
Following a different website I used the txt below as my fix, it is slightly different but overcame my folder association issue:
\Content Type\=\application/x-msdownload\
Mum got this virus while on facebook, thanks for the fix. 🙂 youre a star
I have system restore off and have scanned and removed several infections with malwarebytes and avg yet XP AntiMalware reappears after every time i start a process. Also, when i scan with avg i have do untick the box for “Scan system enviroment” or i get blue screen’d during the scan. Now im getting shell32.dll errors so i can’t add/remove programs etc. >_>
Elliot, you have done the first step above ?
Followed step 1. I am now able to access internet.
One question: is there a space between ” and % (the ninth and tenth characters) in this code
@=”\”%1\” %*”
Or is there no space @=”\”%1\”%*”
I am unable to download Malwarebytes as cannot find the program to run it. In fact almost the entire control panel is unable to be accessed – error message: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel. I am not sure what to do now
I did that a few days ago. Just did it again and got blue screen on startup after reboot.
Janelle, it should have a space.
Hi Patrik, your solution worked like an absolute dream. I think this may have infected my PC through my son downloading a game. It is so nice to know that there are people like yourself out there who take the time and effort to provide an antidote to those who seek to disrupt our lives. Please let me know if there are any means by which to make a token financial donation to show my appreciation.
Nick, glad to help you 🙂
You can help the Myantsipware site and other peoples who needs a help by linking to the article or main page of myantispyware.com.
Safe surfing!
I did everything that you said to do, changed the registry file with the fix.me notepad file but Malwarebytes still won’t open. I think I’ll have to format. Please help!!! I would appreciate it
Cara, open a new topic in our Spyware removal forum. I will check your PC.
Thanks for your help, have lost days becuase of this.
For some reason though my internet explorer still wouldn’t work. I noticed that the green bar would get to 2 blocks and then I’d get a flash of “XP Virus” in the tab, before it said it couldnt get a connection. Got round this by resetting the explorer settings, as follows from MS website:
Methods to follow for Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8
Method 1: Reset the Internet Explorer settings
If you have Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 installed, you can repair damaged files or missing registration information in Internet Explorer 7 or in Internet Explorer 8. To do this, follow these steps:
Start Internet Explorer.
On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
On the Advanced tab, click Reset.
In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset to confirm.
Thought it might be helpful.
Thanks again.
hi! I’d like to ask a question. I follow the fix.reg instruction and the following but I don’t understand that I cahnge the registry and no steps written that registry restoring. Is it not necessary? sorry I don’t good enough at programming. so only that steps(at this site above) enough? is it sure? thanks a lot.
Jani, the first step above will restore default Windows registry settings. Second step will remove malware.
When I attempt to use the command prompt to initiate the registry fix sequence, it will not let me type anything into the command prompt. Chrome is not launching either, it is what I was already using, and Mozilla works fine. Any advice on how to get past this and start the fix? Thanks.
so I guess I have the same problem as everyone else but now I cant even open up any programs. When I try to open something up I get a security warning saying “application cannot be executed”. Now i cant even open up an anti virus program or even open up the RUN on the start menu, please help me I do not want to buy another computer!!!!
Javier, try the following:
* Click My computer.
* Click the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
* After the new window appears select the View tab.
* Put a checkmark in the checkbox labeled Display the contents of system folders.
* Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide file extensions for known file types.
* Press the Apply button and then the OK button.
* Now your computer is configured to show file extensions for known file types.
Navigate to C:\ Windows \ System32 folder.
Copy notepad.exe to your desktop.
Right click to it, select rename and type notepad.com
Run it.
Notepad opens. Then follow the steps above,
Jon, you need run “command” w/o quotes to run notepad. Follow the steps above. If command is blocked, then follow the steps from my previous comment.
I had the virus and was able to remove it thanks to your information. I ended up using safe mode to use malwarebytes and I can use my computer, however, I can not connect to the web. I get IE cannot display the webpage. I have tried step 1 again and nothing. I have read many of the comments and can not figure out what my next step should be. I am on a wireless modem and it shows that I am connected to the wireless modem.
Nancy, download Malwarebytes to another PC and them nove it to your computer using a flash or cd disk.